Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Blog Assignment

Like the book said practices of looking have been used as central discriminatory systems in science. The identification of the visible and measurable differences have been means through which stereotypes have been carried out. The book also made a point that the establishment of genetic difference is just a new way of justifying discriminatory social practices and eliminating social programs because the people are genetically predispositioned to what they are going to do so there is no need in helping them. I think that type of thinking is, for lack of a better term, BS. I actually do believe that genetically people are more prone to do certain things, do certain things, etc, however I don't believe that means we shouldn't do anything as a society to help them in their lives.

"Human Race Machine allows us to move beyond difference and arrive at sameness."

This statements is pretty self explanatory. Her project is intended to allow people to see that all people are the same and move beyond racism.

Unfortunately my book is the previous edition to the book we're supposed to have so it did not talk about the 'Human Race Machine', but it did talk about Nancy Burson's contributions to science through art. I did a little outside research on the topic so I could give a somewhat informed answer to the question at hand about the validity of Burson's idea that race is not genetic.

I think Burson's intention behind the project is awesome. Racism should be thrown out the window and everyone should be loved and treated equally. However, I think her statement that race is social and not genetic is false. I think it is controlled by genetics and environment. Race is commonly defined as any combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape. She could have a different definition, but for the basis of my argument that's the definition I'm using for race. Every physical trait is controlled by genetics, which may have been affected by environment over long periods of time. Certain racial groups have certain 'looks' because of these genetics, which includes skin pigmentation. Recognizing that certain racial groups look different is not racist in my opinion, it's when you exploit the differences in a negative manner where it gets unethical. I'm not sure how someone's race could be effected by society. If a white male of European descent hung out in Beijing from birth he would not look Asian. He would certainly adopt their customs, but he physically would not adopt their race. I think what Burson is trying to spread is that every race is just as intelligent and the same as anyone else, which I agree with.

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