Thursday, April 15, 2010

Scott Adams Quote Response

I think the statement means that if you do not take chances you will limit your own creative ability. Taking a chance involves risk, so giving yourself the option of failing can unleash your creativity. It kind of makes me think about the evolution of music. Imagine the first person to ever play the guitar or drums. They probably did not worry about making mistakes and screwing up and throughout the course of history think of all the creative guitar riffs/ drum solos. The second part of the statement means that after you have experimented and allowed yourself to make mistakes the positive of your work is the art of it.
I definitely agree with the first part of the quote that creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. I think if everyone was set to a rigid standard and guidelines no one would be able to think differently. However, I disagree with the second part of the sentence to a certain extent. I think in some trades/professions the second statement applies (the art of brain surgery), but how does one define mistake? Since art is such a broad and ambiguous term and means so many different things to people I think making a mistake in art could also mean different things to different people. You hear the phrase, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. One person may view something as a mistake, or trash, and another person may see it as treasure, or true art. It really is all a perspective thing.

1 comment:

  1. good point about the 2nd half of the quote. it is about perspective.
    -evelyn davis, professor
